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« The purpose of my work is to bring the project of architecture from sheer domain of construction to the domain of art. If architecture is not a monument to culture or a lighthouse for the human consciousness, then it is only a construction. »

Vision de l'espace

Hat House


My interest in architecture doesn’t concern how acrobatic or futuristic a shape can be (abstract, rational, archaic, technological, constructive, deconstructive..).
For me, it’s not a question of whether the buildings are good or bad, whether they like it or not. My interest lies in placing Man at the center of the relationships between the project and the space. It is from this priority that all other reasoning on this subject can arise: Architecture is a tool for human evolution.




My academic formation developed during the period in which the creating manual dimension was gradually being replaced by the digitalized dimension. Me and my companions, we initially welcomed this transition with great enthusiasm. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm soon disappeared. We started feeling lost and frustrated. We felt we had lost freedom, obliged to convey our imagination through a set of standardized parameters established by the design software on call (Autocad, Archicad, Revit...).  The same causes produce the same effects, and we ended up doing the same things! It was frustrating!

Winged Wall

Chœur Église

Creative Dimension

Following the futuristic ambitions of computing, mechanization, and virtualization at all costs, I began to fear a growing fracture between architecture and the real problems of man. A fracture between architecture and its very original creative dimension. The order of things had began to reverse: Man at the service of the computer, and no longer the computer at the service of Man.

Being and Form

Faced with such a virtual and automated future I felt lost: that was not the way I wanted my architectural vision to synchronize with. As result, I took a different path: I ventured myself in searching  the “Marvelous”  through a different approach. A more free-flowing one. Art. I found in it a new tool for research and self-expression. I cast aside the keyboard and started using my hands as my principal instrument for thinking and creating.

As a matter of consequence, I regained such a manual aspect of intelligence that I had lost for a while. I started training multiple skills in order to approach the architectural project from different angles. In the manner of a total work of art. Then I began, irresistibly, to mix things up: art and architecture, architecture and art. Then I discovered that, by doing so, I was supporting the project of architecture in a more sensitive way, closer to Man. On these basis I have stated building my personal Vision of Space.


« I see a sublime purpose in architecture. All I do is try to use my most sublime means to achieve it.” »

Fragments D'espaces

Flavio Borrelli
27 Boulevard Christophe Moncada, Marseille 13015, France
+33 7 69 58 31 50
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