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« I’ve always hard time defining myself. So when someone asks me, “Who are you?” To make it way easier, I say, “I’m a human being” and “what do you do in life, human being?” “I create!" ».

Flavio borrelli

Architect and artist
Creator of objects, ideas and spaces

I’ve always hard time defining myself. I don’t feel comfortable with the necessity of putting labels on my person or framing my work into specific categories. I am told to be an artist, an architect, an explorer or even a fool for some. My mother tells me that I am a warrior. For me, I am simply a Man who makes creativity and research a worthwhile reason for its life and profession.

I have a degree and a master in architectural design and that makes me, officially, an architect. But I believe that I am and I do things beyond that. I participated in many events, workshops and trainings to feed the three interests turning like satellites around my passion: Art, Man and Space (architecture). This is why I have this physiological necessity to preserve and take care of a personal form of freedom (CADRE-HORS-CADRE) to find in different directions a greater realization of my talents and vision.

« I am strongly passionate about “creating”. All I have done in my life is about mixing things up…mixing skills, materials, disciplines and cultures.

I have never wanted to follow a straight and beaten path. The idea of being a product of a standardized system has always frightened me” ».

Flavio (Profile) 050823
Flavio (Profil) 050823
Flavio (Profile) 050823
Flavio (Profile) 050823
Flavio (Profile) 050823

My experiences

From the very beginning, I have followed my HEART and not MONEY with all the sacrifices that entails. Just to know better myself.

I have traveled all around: my feet have walked many paths, to learn more about the world and my position in the world. I lived in Spain, Chile, New Mexico, Arizona where I directed for two years (2015-2017) the research department of the world-renowned experimental city in the desert, ARCOSANTI: an experience that has represented for me a huge revolution (TED TALK).

My journey between countries and disciplines has always been based on reasons of research and growth with very precarious means. I worked as a waiter, cook, plumber, bartender, builder, painter, architect before approaching, gradually and silently, to the art domain.

My work vision

Many experiences have been wonderful and many others have been very hard indeed. I admit that I  suffered quite a lot as well. But for me, suffering is neither a boost nor an inspiration. I do not recognize myself in the legitimate inclination of some artists to feed on pain to create their art.

At the center of my work there is no trace of suffering but a relentless desire to develop and arouse EMOTIONS and INTELLIGENCE through FORM.

I’m not talking about digital intelligence, I’m talking about human intelligence, what really matter to me. And perhaps this is why I live with great tension the transition from human civilization to that of the machine.

The transition from reality to virtuality. I just cannot accept that two thousand years of human evolution are being swept away by a few decades of technology at all costs. I am and will always be a creative man who walks barefoot in the earth with curiosity, simplicity and compassion.

Flavio Borrelli
27 Boulevard Christophe Moncada, Marseille 13015, France
+33 7 69 58 31 50
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